Creative Projects

Beginning in 1986, Norman collaborated on over 130 works for the stage and other media. They encompassed a wide range of interests: new writing and devised pieces, contemporary and classical interpretations, film, TV and immersive theatre practices, site-specific endeavours and live-remote radio broadcasts, along with large-scale interdisciplinary collaborations and events.

Chris Gerrard-Pinker and Norman co-founded Rumble Productions (now Rumble Theatre) in 1990, establishing it as a mainstay of the Vancouver’s thriving independent theatre scene. In 2005, Rumble and Touchstone Theatre (Katrina Dunn) joined forces to launch the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival.

Norman later returned to his beginnings as a freelance artist and producer (In My Day, Inside Out/Out: A Prison Memoir). Below is a sampling of projects that he was particularly proud of. Examples of his curatorial practice can be found here. Film/TV acting credits are listed here.


“The arts world is going through a period of great change, some might even say a crisis. And in such times, if there were a paramedic for the arts, it would be Norman Armour. As the leader of an arts organization, you often have few people to go to, who understand your context and can be an impartial confidant. Norman has played that role for us in an important moment of organizational transition. He brings all the qualities one looks for during times of flux — years of experience, a deeply local as well as a global perspective, openness to change, and above all, great heart.”

Sirish Rao, Founding Artistic Director, Indian Summer Arts Festival

“Norman Armour is a recognized member of the international arts community and the valued source of information and advice. With a vast background in producing, programming and strategy Norman finds new and exciting ways to shift the status quo and explore the potential of a project. He is a gentle man with a good heart and a naturally curious mind, who helps navigate the chaos with clarity and style.”

– Wesley Enoch AM, Indigenous Chair, Creative Industries, Queensland University of Technology

“Blending his business production experience with his empathy and love for growing artists, Norman was both a coach and cheerleader. He guided me through negotiations, championed my creative rights, and advised on the next steps to expand.”

– Rebecca Mason, Co-Founder, Laugh Out LIVE

“Working with Norman Armour reminds me of working on elementary school projects with my dad — you know the ones you left till the last minute and you have no idea what to do and it's due tomorrow morning — he's all in, right up till the last minute and he has a quiet (ok not so quiet...maybe dignified) confidence that you feel safe and well cared for.”

– Cameron Mackenzie, Executive & Artistic Director, Zee Zee Theatre

”He is always compassionate and clear, generous in sharing knowledge and takes the time to listen and offer support.”

– Cory Philley, Executive Director, Vancouver Fringe Festival

“Norman’s ability to understand where the heart of a project lies, and how to tell that story to funders and presenters, was critical to the success of In My Day. I will be forever grateful that Norman immediately saw the value in developing the work.”

– Rick Waines, Playwright

“I engaged Norman as a consultant when writing a strategic plan, and the experience of working together was incredibly rewarding. He brought an artful balance of creative, critical, and visionary thinking to the process, complimented by a deep well of practical experience in leadership and management. I’ve never had such a positive and fruitful experience working with a consultant.”

– Kyle Fostner, Executive Director, Vancouver International Film Festival

“I can't stress how much I value the time I got to spend with Norman through the John Hobday Award in Arts Management (mentorship). With Norman, it's not just the technical knowledge he brings to all aspects of the work, but also in his approach to relationships and values.”

– Daniel Martin, Managing Artistic Producer, Upintheairtheatre (rEvolver Festival)

“Norman’s extensive experience and knowledge of the arts and cultural sector, non-profit management, and strategic planning were huge value adds for the Museum and helped create a realistic and forward looking five-year strategic plan.”

– Mauro Vescera, CEO, Museum of Vancouver

“Norman brings a life-long dedication to the arts and cultural sector and there are very few organizational contexts or challenges that he hasn't seen before. He's especially attuned to values and organizational purpose — his enthusiasm to advance organizations in a good and inclusive way is infectious. We valued Norman's wisdom as we thought through our future as an organization and the different directions we could possibly go. It was rigorous, thoughtful and well appreciated from board, staff and stakeholders.”

– Am Johal, Chair, Indian Summer Arts Society 

"The frank theatre had the pleasure of working with Norman as a strategic consultant in 2020 while the company was both growing and facing the pandemic crisis. Norman’s engagement with the frank was incredibly valuable as he helped us to articulate our organizational, programming and artistic needs and objectives, and offered us a fresh, seasoned and nuanced perspective. Norman is a brilliant and inspirational thinker with a deep understanding of theatre and the industry."

– Fay Nass, Artistic & Executive Director, the frank theatre co.